Getting Eco-Friendly With Earth Day!

Getting Eco-Friendly With Earth Day!

Trying to be eco-friendly and conscious of not polluting the planet can be difficult. Even more so for those of us in the food industry.

It seems as though everything is made out of plastic and contributes to the plastic waste we put out.

We try our best to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and we think everyone should at least do their best to contribute. Before you roll your eyes, hear us out...

It is near impossible for many of us to be completely eco-friendly. It just does not work with our type of business. But that does not mean you can't help in small ways to create a better future.

Even tiny changes can make a HUGE impact. More on this below...


Let's say you choose to swap out your plastic spoons with some Wootensils for a while.

Even if you only do this for a month or two, you've just cut back on 100, 200, 2,000+ plastic spoons going to waste. (however many you use in 1-2 months)

And if everyone did this a few times per year... This can be done with all products really.

Over time the math adds up, and every little bit helps!

So cut back where you can, when you can. But you don't have to be perfect! If everyone helped out just a tiny bit, it would make a massive difference.

Are you familiar with Earth Day? It was started in 1970 and quickly became the largest environmental movement ever.

It has helped to create many of the positive environmental changes that are in place today. If you want to learn more you can visit the Earth Day Page Here.

Apr 19th 2021 Vincent

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