Interesting ice cream facts that you didn't know

Interesting ice cream facts that you didn't know

Do you love ice cream as much as we do? How much do we love it? Well we've literally made it our business!

And because of that we have learned an awful lot about the delicious frozen treat. If you are a pro at eating ice cream and want to learn a few interesting facts about it... read below!

• Industrial production of ice cream began in Boston in 1851

• The United States is the largest consumer of ice cream in the world, where 90% of households consume the frozen treat each year!

• The average American eats 48 pints of ice cream per year! No wonder it is such a popular business.

• Over its lifetime, one cow can products enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream

• California is the largest producer of ice cream in the USA producing OVER 100 million gallons per year. WOW!

• It takes 10 pounds of milk to produce just 1 gallon of ice cream

• Vanilla is the most popular flavor, followed by strawberry then chocolate

Sharing your love for ice cream!

With these 7 quick and interesting facts your frozen dessert knowledge has been seriously upgraded. But what to do with these ice cream tidbits? Next time you are hosting a get together, at a party, or entertaining some interesting conversation, you'll have 7 ice breakers and conversation starters!

After all, 90% of people in the USA eat ice cream! Who wouldn't want to hear these intriguing facts?

If you own an ice cream shop, frozen dessert store, or restaurant, make sure to check out our supplies at Frozen Solutions!

Sep 29th 2022 Vincent

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